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Closure of Brentwood School and College due to Coronavirus: letter to parents

Dear Parents,


As I’m sure you have already heard, there have been new cases of Covid-19 (novel coronavirus) identified in Trafford. Furthermore in school and college we have a significant number of staff members and students who are self-isolating due to feeling unwell, or having a family member who is presenting with symptoms. Throughout this week we have been risk assessing the situation and yesterday staff numbers had reached a point whereby we found ourselves in the position where we did not have enough staff to keep all students safe, and consequently were no longer in a position to keep the school and college open. The decision to close was taken following consultation with the Department of Education, Public Health England and the Director of Education in Trafford.


We want to ensure all our students, families and staff are safe and well in these unprecedented circumstances. We have arranged for supermarket vouchers to be sent to students on free school meals, and have sent out some food parcels today to families who we know are in need. However, if you have not been identified in one of these groups and are struggling to get by, please get in touch and we will do all we can to provide additional support. Any contact will be treated confidentially.


There are links to activity resources on the school website, and on request we are sending work packs and activities home for students where appropriate.


A Department for Education helpline (0800 046 8687) and e-mail address ( has been set up for parents with any further concerns.


I would like to thank you for your continued support regarding the challenges we face regarding the coronavirus situation. I appreciate the obstacles many of you already face in your day to day lives, and recognise what a wonderful job you do as parents and carers. The current situation provides additional and significant anxiety, and I know will be exceptionally hard for many of you to manage. Whilst students are off from school and college, I would encourage you to keep in touch either through Class Dojo or email to your teacher, or myself at



We will keep you updated on any developments.


Wishing you all the best of health


Jude Lomas

