Letter from Headteacher, Jude Lomas
Dear Parents and Carers
I hope you are all keeping well in these strange times.
This is an unusual start to a new term at school/college but I wanted to keep you up to date with what is going on at Brentwood.
Whilst our underlying belief is that all students are safer being cared for at home if they can be, we are currently still open for a small number of students. It is essential that we keep these numbers down due to the need to exercise social distancing and keep everyone in school and college as safe as possible. We will continue to follow this principle until the government instruct us to do otherwise.
Aside from caring for a small number of students in school/college, our staff are keen to keep up to date with how everyone is getting on at home. This includes weekly phone calls / Class Dojo messages and sending work packs home to keep students occupied and up to date with their learning. We have accessed the Free School Meals Voucher scheme, but I know that many of you have struggled to access these due to teething problems with the system set up. Hopefully that will be resolved and the system will run more smoothly.
I understand how difficult it must be for you and your families, and how hard it is for many of our students to understand why life has changed so much. If there is anything you are struggling with, or feel you would like us to support you with, please do not hesitate to get in touch and we will do all we can to help.
Stay well